The TRACKiT Consulting platform provides you, in real time, with all the information you need to support the decision and organization of the entire Commercial Department for the management of sales fleets, as well as an automatic reduction of all the operating costs of the vehicles associated with this same department.
The operational costs of the sales fleet and the predictive and preventive maintenance of the vehicle
The integration with the vehicle'sCANbus ensures all the real mileage traveled in a period of activity of your choice, as well as any fuel consumption in professional or even private mode (this way, we ensure the control and reduction of one of the costs with more weight in the external activity of the seller - the fuel, as well as a control on the kilometers traveled, in order to meet the requirements of a hypothetical contract of AOV - Renting Car).
Vehicle maintenance is also an integral part of the success of the sales process, and these days, it is unthinkable not to schedule a maintenance or inspection operation on the vehicle, so as not to jeopardize the closing of a deal on a certain scheduled day and time, respectively: A vehicle in good mechanical condition is an indispensable work tool for the commercial consultant, and as such, in order for it to always be available at the right time, TRACKiT Consulting's vehicle maintenance scheduling module is fundamental in supporting the achievement of external sales.
The TRACKiT GPS Locator encourages, without exception, the responsible use of the vehicle, and induces, the use of good practices on the road: the personal management of speeding fines, and the salesperson's own driving style (safety, courtesy and low consumption...).
Seller performance analysis
Obtaining the commercial's activity in digital format allows the analysis of information in an even more precise and detailed way, thus generating pertinent questions for the success of the activity:
- Are the hours of outside work being adhered to, and above all, made profitable?
- Are the prospection, and customer loyalty, being performed at the right cadence?
- Customers, are they being visited on time, and regularly?
- Is the average visit time to a Lead or Client ideal?
- Is the commercial activity zone well exploited?
There are countless advantages that may catapult the sale, and the most interesting is the fact that this tool, being simple and intuitive, has all the potential to be used individually by each of the commercials in the team, through the APP TRACKiT NOW: the analysis of the sales report, the insertion of lead's / clients, the optimization of visits...
The TRACKiT GPS Locator, in addition to boosting the salesperson's productivity and reducing the operational costs associated with the fleet, allows for an even more consistent support, in the eventual adjustment and redefinition of the company's commercial strategies.
The integration of sales fleet data with CRM
When choosing the supplier of the software platform for the Fleet Management and Monitoring Service, always take into account the availability of the service via API (application programming interface), for integration purposes with other software, upstream, throughout the workflow.
The automatic integration with CRM, eliminates the manual process, and allows the visualization and extraction of reports that are much more complete and faithful to the reality of external visits and the individual performance of each salesperson, following in detail, the Sales KPI'S of the whole team (the salesperson concentrates on what is really important: closing deals and increasing revenue).
The TRACKiT platform is open in the sense that it makes available any and all APIs in the context of integration with any external system (Webservices).